Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lisbon, Portugal: Castelo de Sao Jorge

Castelo de São Jorge
This castle was first constructed in the 11th century. Although there are historical items traced back to this hilltop 6th century B.C.  The site was occupied by the Romans, Visigoths and Moors before being transformed into the Royal Palace in the 14th century.

Talk about magnificent! 
The stairs are extremely steep and small. Thankfully in a few places hand rails have been installed. Although it didn't really help my anxiety.
Stella ran around the grounds pretending she was a 'soldier' from when this was a real castle. She kept telling me how she bets a lot of people fell off the top and that someone should have made the walls taller.

I love when a little bit of her Japanese slips through :)

Getting to adventure with just my Stella sometimes is just the refreshment I need when I am feeling a little overwhelmed. Especially after a 15 day vacation. Stella is so mesmerized by history and adventure. She is an eager learner and always the best sidekick.

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